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Habitude of the Week: Hosts and Guests

February 01, 2021


People of influence take the initiative in relationships. They are intentional about them. They see themselves as hosts, not guests, and they go out of their way to connect with people and provide for them. 


The focus of this week's Habitude is social engagement; leaders must actively engage with others to foster relationships.


We discussed how taking initiative, being socially aware, and showing hospitality will help with any relationships -- not just in a leadership role.  Being a host or a guest are roles that exist with almost all social exchanges.  It comes more naturally to some, but it is a skill we can all work on.


The four directives for being a host are

1. Initiate (others become responsive)

2. Connect (others become comfortable)

3. Provide (others become satisfied)

4. Direct (others receive guidance)


We also discussed the four main obstacles that keep people from becoming hosts: fear, pride, laziness, personality. 


- Growing Leaders; the creator of Habitudes.




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