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Welcome from Mrs. Hampton


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    Hello, my name is Mrs. Heather Hampton and I am one of the junior high and high school special education teachers. I teach most of the core subjects for special education. Some of you may already know me but I wanted to send a note home to introduce myself.  I am the Northwestern Life Skills teacher and enjoy my classroom so much. There is an exciting year awaiting, and I will strive to engage your child every day and challenge each student at their own level. The structure of daily activities in my classroom is carefully planned to encourage independence, self-confidence and group cooperation through large group, small group and one-on-one participation in a variety of hands-on, interactive experiences.

    I am looking forward to this year, as it is my twelfth year teaching. I am very excited to work with your child.  Also, Mrs. Justina Grigsby will be in our room again this year assisting our students with work.  We will be working on academics as well as daily living skills. My hopes are to give them the experiences, as well as training, to be able to do normal routine of daily chores independently. I have done a lot of research and have prepared great lessons for your child.  Your child will be coming home with homework 1 to 2 days a week. Please ensure that they are completing their homework.  I do have a google classroom that your child will have access to, where I will upload some of my assignments.

    Along with this letter is a short survey so I can help your child in the best way. Please complete the survey and send it back to school with your child.

    I am so looking forward to working together to make this a most successful school year for your child! Please feel free to contact me at school at 217-436-2011 extension 1109 or email me at hhampton@northwestern.k12.il.us, should you have any questions and/or concerns.



Mrs. Heather Hampton


Google Classroom information:

Your child will be given a Google email address from the school. They then will log into www.classroom.google.com and be invited to join my class. They will then have full access to my Google classroom.